
Hello, my name is Dita and I’m addicted to fashion. This isn’t a cry for help. Just stating a fact. I love visual art – paintings, drawings, sculpture and the like – but I have zero ability to translate what I’m feeling or thinking to paper or stone. Enter style. I think style can be art and one can use their body as a canvas to express themselves. I’ve been doing it for decades. Feeling sexy? Let the tail of a shiny lariat necklace fall inside the dip of of a deep V-neck. Feeling demure? Nip a button-up to the neck and tuck it into some well-fitting cigarette pants. Don’t give a f*ck? Pink metallic boots. For real. You’ll see…

As one of my New Year’s resolutions, I am creating this space for levity. To talk things that are joyous and fun (to me). And to interact with other people who could talk about a bag or (a meal or a trip) for hours. My initial goal is to post something here once a week and to supplement with YouTube videos, Twitter and Instagram (heaven help me).

Thanks for taking the time to hear me wax poetic on my blog!

– Dita