Video: Luxury Items I Never Thought I’d Buy Tag

This tag video was created but the lovely chicprofessor on YouTube. The premise is to talk about luxury items you never thought you’d purchase for whatever reason, but you did.

Somehow, I got it into my head that there needed to be five items, and so it took me a bit longer to come up with the list. This was never part of the criteria but I work better under stress, even self-imposed.

Anyhoodle, have a watch and leave a comment here or in my YouTube comments. Are there some luxury items you never thought you would buy but did? Looking forward to hearing from you.

Peace Yinz,



Le Labo candle here

Overose candles here

Isabel Marant Bailey (unavailable new), but there are other wedge sneakers by her available here

MCM T-shirt here

Chanel Brooch (unavailable new)

Chanel Boy bag here (oopsi, there’s been a price increase)



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